Wer war Willi Münzenberg?
This general bibliography of Willi Münzenberg covers his book publications and the different types of literature about him. For the first time, such a bibliography includes the titles of books, articles and leaflets published after the opening of the archives in the East and the West. We invite our readers to contribute and to complete this bibliography which will be passed on to the participants of the forthcoming European Workshop on Willi Münzenberg, organized by the Institute for Social Movements, University of Bochum, the Center for Contemporary History, Potsdam and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in Berlin, on October 12 and 13, 2012.
Structure of the Bibliography
I. Willi Münzenberg: Life, Death, Afterlife.
II. Willi Münzenberg’s Activities in Interwar Politics, Media and Culture
a. Covering the Whole Interwar Period
b. The Weimarer Period
c. In Exile (1933-1940)
Erstellt am: 19.09.2013
zuletzt geändert am: 15.12.2013